========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sat, 3 Mar 90 Volume 90 : Issue 279 Today's Topics: Atari STE Sound chips Bug in TOS 1.6 G++, what files do I need? GEMINI... My evil twin.. HELP? ICD booter version 4.XX question.. HELP NEEDED!!!!! INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #278 READING HD HYSICAL SECTORS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 3 Mar 90 15:13:58 GMT From: ogicse!plains!blee@decwrl.dec.com (Blaine Lee SEE ADVTISMENT ) Subject: Atari STE Sound chips Message-ID: <3702@plains.UUCP> In article <11231@stag.math.lsa.umich.edu> hyc@math.lsa.umich.edu (Howard Chu) writes: >In article <2062@atari.UUCP> apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes: >>The NeXT box has a DSP (digital signal processor), which doesn't just >>play back sound, it GENERATES it from formulas or other data. That's a > >share access to the DSP between multiple tasks. Also, for most of the >stuff I've played with, the sound is cut-off whenever other tasks are >driving up CPU and disk use. This makes no sense to me, since the DSP >should be executing its program independently of the 68030. But the >end result is that sound on the NeXT gets chopped up horribly if you >try to do anything else along with it. (Like open a new window.) > >Cute, isn't it? Steve Jobs turned a wonderful processor (68000) into a >toaster (Thin Mac). Now he's turned Unix on a 68030 into a single-user >single-tasking non-operating system. Will wonders never cease. I wish >they would... >-- > -- Howard Chu @ University of Michigan Not that I can claim that I know what I am talking about...but... From a early article in Byte on the NeXT I seem to remeber the memory that the DSP has is quite limited. I would guess that the 68030 has to swap in new data all the time. Isn't the *only* reason it was installed was for 'CD' quality sound... wasn't the 030 supposed to handle the tasks? Working on release 0.9, I am amazed every time I log onto it... just wait until it gets to 1.4...(isn't that the magic number??) Another thought: How many songs do you want to hear concurently? PS: see you on comp.sys.next Since I don't think Mr Jobs will be able to reply I felt someone should offer a little reality. Blaine Lee blee @ plains.nodak.edu ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 12:57:37 GMT From: maytag!water!ljdickey@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (L.J.Dickey) Subject: Bug in TOS 1.6 Message-ID: <3046@water.waterloo.edu> In article <2701@erix.ericsson.se> euaanu@euas20.ericsson.se (Arto Nummelin) writes: >I bought my 520 STE in december-89 and I'm very satisfied with it, except >for one thing. If I try to access a disk and it isn't inserted I get >the (CANCEL) (RETRY) dialog box. If I put in the disk and click on >(RETRY) the machine BOMBS!!!!! (with bombs on half the screen). The same >thing occurs if I try to write to a write protected disk, remove the >write protection, and then click on RETRY. > >Has anybody else experienced this?? I have seen things like this, but don't remember where. I have used a 1040 ST and now use Mega ST2. I just tried an experiment... remove floppy from drive A:. drag icon for a file from drive A: to drive D:. get the CANCEL-REPLY dialog box. put the disk back in. copy proceeds just fine. Does this sequence this give you bombs too? It seems to me that the times I have had trouble have been while running application programs and I have had both bombs and program aborts. I try to keep my drive a: loaded most of the time. -- L. J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo. ljdickey@water.UWaterloo.ca ljdickey@water.BITNET ljdickey@water.UUCP ..!uunet!watmath!water!ljdickey ljdickey@water.waterloo.edu ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 08:36:48 GMT From: elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!jarthur!cstein@decwrl.dec.com (Clifford Stein) Subject: G++, what files do I need? Message-ID: <4792@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> Help! I have the G++ compiler sitting on my hard drive. What files are actually necessary to run it? Do I really need the hundreds of files contained in the g++-lib.zoo and g++-lib2.zoo? Can I just get away with g++-gnul.zoo? I'd like to get this working, but 400+ files seems a bit excessive. (please respond via email) Thanks for any help. --Cliff Stein -- cstein@jarthur.claremont.edu | "Cops and women don't mix. It's like cstein@jarthur.uucp | eating a spoonful of Draino: sure it'll ...uunet!jarthur!cstein | clean you out, but it'll leave you cstein@hmcvax.bitnet | feeling hollow inside."-- Naked Gun ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 10:39:25 GMT From: swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!cs3 25ec@ucsd.edu Subject: GEMINI... My evil twin.. HELP? Message-ID: <16000017@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> Anyone try out Gemini yet? I run Gemini.prg after booting with either AMCGDOS or GPLUS and get two bombs...??? Anyone got it to work want to comment? I tried removing every auto prg and acc save amcgdos and shell0... No luck. Went through the configs... set it for drive C: still no luck. Damn, I really wanted it to work... Is it any good in a 1040 anyway? (Memory usage?) Thanks for any tips -- Greg ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 15:00:29 GMT From: matthews@umd5.umd.edu (Mike Matthews) Subject: ICD booter version 4.XX question.. HELP NEEDED!!!!! Message-ID: <6200@umd5.umd.edu> In article <25EE28B9.12434@paris.ics.uci.edu> wngai@paris.ics.uci.edu (Wayne Ngai) writes: [stuff deleted] >I have a Mega 2 w/ a 85 meg HD, about 10 meg each partition. The Hd I have is >Seagate 296n. Currently this is what I have set up. > >DOS FAT 15 >DOS DATA.. 15 >BLOCK IN CACHE 15 >SECTGOR in CACHE BLOCK 8 > >what would be best setup to speed up the write speed?? (have write verify off) > >wnyne Cache sizes that small won't do anything. Expect to give up at least 200K for an 80 meg hard drive. I'm unfamiliar with how the numbering works using ICD's latest and greatest, so you'll have to interpret 200K to whatever those cat- egories mean (they seem redundant to me). Also, your Newsgroups: line is set to your Email address; please try 'n fix that, as it can make replying a pain. Mike ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 04 Mar 90 00:09:24 SST From: "S. Sujarittanonta" Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #278 RE: Cheap way to hook SyQuest to 1040ST I am using SyQuest HD now with my TUBO16/MEGA4 but the haed disk I have is not TOAD File but an ATARI MEGAFILE 44. Yes It is available in Singapore and not that expensive too. Comparing to the bare SyQuest 44 drive which selling at S$1450 with 1 cartridge I bought my Megafile 44 and 1 44 Cartridge for S$1800 (US$1.00 = to S$1.85). It comes with extra LCD, Power supply plug and 50 pin- SCSI as well as bracket for installing another 3.5" hard disk inside the case. I will put my CONNER 100MB drive (I paid S$1200 for this one)into it. Drive is very well made (I open up the drive to have a close look at the heads and voice coil which make funny noise during startup but not as loud as the Seagate 277R -1 in my Megafile 60. It look durable enough and the head is park into a plas- tic prong to prevent any movement during transporting the drive. The top cover of the drive is fixed with only 2 small screws. ICD HDRATEd is 28ms similar to MEGAFILE 60. Drive is much cooler than Seagate therefore I deciced to put 15OHM 3W resistor to lower the fan speed/noise down. Unhook it from Atari SCSI>DMA card and connect it direct to my Mac Plus with home made cable(per instruction in Spectre GCR Manual) then format a cartridge with CMS HD utility version 5.3 or 5.5.3 The cartridge will be recognized by Spectre and even boot up with the System/Finder written with Mac Plus. Macintosh will not read the cartridge if it is formatted under Spectre. With PC-Ditto (Disk version) I can not boot the PC-DOS from partition C:. PC-DITTO normally doesnot boot DOS if the HD is set to AUTOBOOT with ICD HD Util or Atari AHDI. Although I could get my MegaFile 60 to boot PC-DOS from C: partition with Supra HD Autoboot, Supra Autoboot does not help in the case of Syquest 44 Drive. I will experiment further with MS-DOS 4.01 when I receive my SuperCharger from Beta System Computers AG. hopefully by next week. (Beta System supply MS-DOS 4.01 with their Supercharger and insisted that I should use it to get the full performance). I am now using PC-DOS 3.2 as I found it to be more stable under PC-DITTO than PC-DOS 3.3 or MS-DOS 3.30B. I will report my finding to the net in due course. BTW SyQuest 44 MB Cartridge is selling at S$190 here. S. Sujarittanonta, School of Architecture, National University of Singapore. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Mar 90 19:56:18 GMT From: att!dptg!lzsc!hcj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (HC Johnson) Subject: READING HD HYSICAL SECTORS Message-ID: <1355@lzsc.ATT.COM> In article <16000016@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>, cs325ec@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes: > > > Someone from the Netherlands responded to my post about > reading physical sectors from a Hard Disk. His code was > accurate and worked... Setting bit 3 in the rwflag enabled > physical sectors to be read... but... Secno however, > is an int and can not be higher than 32767 or 65535 if > Rwabs can handle unsigned, so how do I read sectors > higher than those? The real answer is you dont. And this is why. The use of bit 3 is/was really to get to sector 0 and maybe 1 and 2. (1 and 2 might contain a list of bad blocks). After this, very limited area, it is expected that partitions will cover the physical disk. TOS partitions can then be accessed by drive and offset. What about Spectre and Minix partitions? Then you need your OWN driver that will access sectors as a long absolute value. Thats what Spectre and Minix do. Howard C. Johnson ATT Bell Labs att!lzsc!hcj hcj@lzsc.att.com ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #279 *****************************************